Gestalte – Gestalte CD 11,90 Euro
True Black metal from the Netherlands!
Gjaldur (Ger) – Unterm Totenbanner CD 9,90 Euro (new in stock)
Great atmospheric Black Metal masterpiece with members of German Cult Band Aaskereia!
Goathemy - Torn CD 9 Euro
Melodic Black Metal from finland with some accousting parts!
Godless Cruelty (Ger.)- Chaos gestorben CD 9 Euro
Hatefull and fast german Black metal with a clear Sound and explit lyrics and Artwork!
Gorgoroth - Live In Bergen 1996 DigiMiniCD 6 Euro
Recorded live at Garage in Bergen, Norway, the 23rd May 1996.
Graupel - Auf alten Wegen CD 11 Euro
Primordial and innovative Northern Black Metal.
Grauzeit- Tyrannei der Tristesse MCD 7,90 Euro
Depressive Black Metal / Shoegaze band from Germany with members of Faulen,Trauerquell & Herbstregen, Todessucht..
Griefrain - Spring illusion CD 11,90 Euro
Very atmospheric Black Metal with a little depressive touch from Russia. Lim. to 500 items, 8-panel Booklet Folder!
Grift -Twisted Paradigm Of Light MCD 7,90 Euro
Satanic, Anti-human and depressive Black Metal!
Grim Funeral - Abdication under funeral dirge CD 11,90 Euro
Excellent raw Black Metal!
Grimness - Trust in decay CD 11 Euro
Second Album, from this Italian Band. Brutal and grim Black Metal with an excellent sound!
Gris/Sombres Forêts - Miserere Luminis CD (DIGIBOOK) 15,90 Euro
Exclusive European Edition in deluxe Digibook. Definitely one of this year's Black Metal essentials, the combined efforts of Annatar
from Sombres Forêts and Icare & Neptune from Gris have possibly even become one of the best Black Metal releases that Canada
has seen to this day, creating a style not unlike that which Amesoeurs could have developed if they had grown within the confines of
Black Metal rather than incorporating Cold Wave into their art. Needless to say, this album is highly recommended for fans of both
Gris & Sombres Forêts as well as early Amesoeurs and similar bands.
Grisâtre / Desolation -Split- CD A5 DVD Case 11 Euro
Negativ, depressiv Black Metal!!!
Hak-Ed Damm / Blackhorned – Execrated Split CD 11 Euro
BLACKHORNED from Denmark serves you ugly Black/ Thrash Metal while Canadians HAK-ED DAMM plays impressively fast and tight Black Metal! This split CD is limited to 500 copies.
Hamleypa - Im Morgen von Einst CD 11,90 Euro
Great melodic and atmospheric Black Metal from Germany! A mix of Alcest (without clean vocals) and Woods of Desolation.
Happy Days / Eindig - The first Step towards Suicide CD 11 Euro
Between the Netherlands and USA is a far distance, but between both bands there is only one thought: Suicide.
The topic of this release is as the title says it, ending life. Listen to this great release carefully and quite, melodies that will be in your
head for a longer time while never ending pcitures of death are in front of your eyes. Very recommended split release between
two well known interprets of sadness and grief.
Happy Days / All the Cold / Black Hate / Fonricatus Split CD 11 Euro
A split between four different depressive black metal acts. Different sound, same negativity!
Harakiri For The Sky - Harakiri For The Sky (Digipak) 12 Euro
This young band from Austria was formed by members of Karg and Bifröst. Melodic Black
Metal with Postrock parts.
You can take bands like Amesoeurs, Grey Waters or Austere
to describe the music of Harakiri For The Sky.
Hegemoon - Szaty Klamstw CD 9 Euro
Raw and fast Black Metal from Poland!
Helcaraxe – Evil Suppremacy CD 11,90 Euro
Grim, cold and dark Black Metal in the vein of the good old 90´s!
Helde - Suaren Gerizpea CD 11 Euro
Helde return with their debut full length album, Suaren gerizpea. Cold and harsh Black Metal from Spain,
largely inspired by Pure Holocaust era Immortal.
A.A. CD 005 Heresiarch Seminary / Occulus / Windstorm - Ghosts of Winter 3 Way Split 10 Euro
Apocalyptic Art & Self Mutilation Services are presenting the this release!
It´s a 3-way split with Heresiarch Seminary (Rus.) / Occulus (Can.) / Windstrom (Grc.).Three bands from different countries
unite their powers to create 45 minutes cold, hateful and aggressive Black Metal.
The CD contains 7 Tracks and will be released in 500 limited copies!
A.A. CD 006 Heresiarch Seminary - Whirlwind of wild hunt 11,90 Euro
Heresiarch Seminary, blackened pagan /atmosphericMetal band from Russia returns with epic andmighty Whirlwind of wild hunt,
the second full-lenght!When realms of mortals fall into the longest nights,Whirlwind of wild hunt rushes over sky!
Hexenwald - Nordland Okkult Mysterium CD 11 Euro
Occult Black Metal from Germany. Great album re-released as CD with 3 bonus tracks!
Hexenwald / Todestriebe CD 11 Euro
Split album of Hexenwald/Todestriebe. Gloomy, sinister and satanic old school black metal. Fourteen hymns and over 60 minutes of blasphemy available on CD. Limited to 500 copies!
Hordagaard – Kveldskved CD 12 Euro
One of the most respected bands into the Norwegian Black Metal around the world! Fauk bring us their mythic, supreme
and ancestral Black Metal with epic and pagan influences, just like only he can play!!!! 14 new tracks of pure old school art!!
Horna / Sacrificia Mortuorum - Split – CD 11 Euro
Raw as hell Black Metal by Finnish warmasters and their French companions. This gravedesecrating crime has everything
real Black Metal requires: the true necrosound, tortured vocals and masterful melodies of snowclad nocturnal coldness.
Near 40 minutes of a dark journey through the haunted old Black Metal cemeteries. Exclusive CD re-release of rare vinyl
split produced by Debemur Morti Productions in 2006.
Horna - Perimä Vihassa Ja Verikostossa – CD 11 Euro
Old glory of Finnish Black Metal masters rise again. 6 tracks over 30 minutes of wrathful, insane and soul-freezing melodies
from the northern domains of snowclad pine-woods and grimmest winters. Features NAZGUL on vocals (SATANIC WARMASTER).
Long sold out vinyl MLP from 1999 is exclusively re-released on CD with bonus song recorded at the same 1999 studio session
taken from EP split with FOG.
Inferno / Tundra - Infernal Belief Split CD 9 Euro
Great Split CD from both Bands, nothing more to say!
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